Opći uvjeti sudjelovanja

Ovaj dokument izlaže opće uvjete sudjelovanja (u daljnjem tekstu "Ugovor") koji uređuju Vaše Panelvp članstvo te definiraju prava i obveze Vas kao člana Panelvp-a.

Panelvp osigurava Spartoo SAS, Société par Actions Simplifiées (pojednostavljeni oblik francuskog dioničkog društva) s temeljnim kapitalom od 215 632 eura, upisano u registar Trgovačkog suda u Grenobleu pod brojem 489 895 821, sa sjedištem na adresi 16 rue Henri Barbusse, 38100 Grenoble, Francuska. Tel : 04 76 09 59 29.

Tvrtka je dužna provoditi online istraživanje tržišta na uzorku stanovništva ili registriranih članova koji se obvezuju aktivno i redovito surađivati u istraživanjima.

Tvrtka se obraća internetskim korisnicima u sklopu partnerstva u okviru kojeg učesnici mogu sudjelovati u redovitim nagradnim izvlačenjima.

Sudionici sudjeluju dobrovoljno i potpuno neovisno u Panelvp anketama. Navedena neovisnost isključuje bilo kakvu vezu podređenosti između sudionika i Panelvp-a.

Pozivamo Vas da pažljivo pročitate ovaj Ugovor te da ga, ako je to potrebno, ispišete prije nego što stvorite račun na Panelvp i počnete koristiti stranicu panelvp.com.hr. Pridružite li se Panelvp-u, potvrđujete da ste pročitali, razumjeli i prihvatili opće uvjete sudjelovanja u cjelini. Osim toga, potvrđujete da:

• Ispunjavate uvjete članstva navedene u članku 2.

• Dajete suglasnost da se sve odredbe Ugovora primjenjuju na Vas sve do trenutka otkazivanja članstva u skladu s uvjetima navedenima u članku 4.


Membership: The acceptance of these conditions and become a panel member Agreement: The terms and conditions of participation in force at the time of registration. They may change over time. We therefore invite you to verify them regularly. Market research/Surveys: These consist of studying behaviour, attitudes and opinions of individuals and legal entities. Us: Spartoo Panel: A group of individuals who agreed to respond to surveys conducted by Panelvp. Panellist: Any member of Panelvp Qualification questionnaire: A set of questions the panellist must complete to enable the panel to know its constitution. Prize draw: Prize draw offering a chance to each active panellist to win a prize. Participation rate: The ratio of the number of participations (number of separate surveys completed) per panellist compared to the number of invitations sent to the panellist. You: Any member of the panel

2.Sudjelovanje u panel-anketama

Sudjelovanje u panel-anketama ovisi o ispunjavaju Upitnika za kvalifikaciju. U panel-anketama mogu sudjelovati isključivo osobe stare 18 ili više godina, bez obzira na nacionalnost.

2.Sudjelovanje u panel-anketama

Ugovor se počinje primjenjivati od trenutka kad sudioniku pošaljemo e-poruku dobrodošlice s potvrdom prijave. Ovaj ugovor sklopljen je na neodređeno vrijeme. Zadržavamo pravo na raskid ugovora u bilo kojem trenutku.

4.Odgovornost i obveze

4.Odgovornost i obveze


The member agrees to participate actively, regularly and honestly to surveys, to update their personal information accessible via their panellist account, and to complete at least 1 in 5 surveys. You may not reproduce, copy, sell, resell or exploit for any commercial purpose all or part of the Panel, any Panel use or right to access the Panel. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain vouchers fraudulently. Any fraud or abuse within the panel may result in administrative and/or judicial pursuit including the confiscation of your vouchers obtained and cancellations of your membership.


Panelvp reserves the right to send an email requesting the Panelist to update his information. In the event of the application of one or more of the cases set out below, We reserve the right to terminate the Contract by right, without prior notice and without any judicial formality, by email or by simple postal mail:
• Use of the Panel contrary to public order and morality;
; • Infringement of our extra-patrimonial rights or those of a third party;
; • Act affecting the functioning of the Panel ;
; • Deaths ;
; • Account considered inactive. An account is considered inactive if it has not had any completed surveys over a one-year period;
; • Loss, misuse or unauthorised use of your login ;
; • Communication, fraudulent use of your password;
; • Fraudulent, misleading or ill-intentioned use of the Panel (in particular, creation of several accounts for the same person, manoeuvres leading to the unjustified winning of vouchers, in particular by setting up automation systems) ;
; • Making your account available to a third party ;
; • Any failure to provide and/or maintain true, current, accurate and complete information about you ;
; • Any material breach by You of Your obligations under the Contract other than those referred to in Article 4.2 above;
; • Any breach of the provisions of Article 4.1. As a result, we will, without further notice to you, cancel your account, membership and you will be responsible for all costs relating to any damages, legal action or other expenses incurred.

5.Naknada za sudjelovanje u panel-anketama

En contrepartie de sa participation au panel et en fonction de son taux de participation, le panéliste est automatiquement inscrit au tirage au sort mensuel avec un lot à la clé. Afin d’être éligible au tirage au sort du mois, le taux de participation du Panéliste doit être supérieur ou égal au taux indiqué sur son espace panéliste. Le Panéliste pourra consulter en permanence son taux de participation sur cet espace et donc son éligibilité sur le site. Un tirage au sort aura lieu le 1er jour ouvré de chaque mois avec une dotation d’un bon d’achat de 100 € valable sur le site spartoo.com et valable 1 an à compter du jour d’émission du bon. Pour participer au tirage au sort le panéliste devra avoir un taux de participation supérieur ou égal = 75% à la veille de la date de tirage au sort. Il pourra consulter ce taux sur le site panelvp.com. Les panélistes tirés au sort seront prévenus par courrier électronique et son nom sera publié sur le site de Panelvp.

6.Ograničenje odgovornosti

Sudionik panela je isključivo odgovoran za korištenje svog statusa sudionika panela i posljedice koje iz toga proizlaze. SPARTOO se ne može smatrati odgovornim u sljedećim slučajevima:
• Za usluge koje pružaju treće strane
• U slučaju nepoštivanja obveza od strane panelista
• U slučaju nedostatka sustava zaštite ili neučinkovitog sustava zaštite od računalnih virusa na računalnoj opremi sudionika panela.
• U slučaju više sile
• U slučaju vanjskih problema povezanih sa samom prirodom Internet mreže (sporost, zasićenost, prekid veze i sl.)

De même, SPARTOO ne pourra être tenu pour responsable en cas : • De préjudice subi par le Panéliste en cas de modification et/ou perte de son matériel informatique et/ou connexion à Internet et/ou adresse et boîte email et/ou mot de passe. • De dérangements techniques (connexion, envoi d’email, etc.) indépendants de sa volonté • De dommage causé directement ou indirectement par le site internet et son utilisation • De dommages moraux qui pourraient être consécutifs à l’exposition du Panéliste au contenu des questionnaires. • De questionnaires dont elle ne serait pas l’auteur et qui serait parvenus au Panéliste de façon frauduleuse ou non. • De la perte, du vol ou de l’interception par un tiers des données nominatives fournies par les Panélistes Spartoo ne peut pas garantir que le site internet panelvp.com sera disponible et qu’il pourra répondre aux attentes du Panéliste, que l’accès n’en sera pas interrompu, qu’il n’y aura aucun retard, aucune panne, erreur ou omission ou perte de données transmises par le Panéliste, qu’aucun virus, cheval de Troie, etc. ne pourra être transmis ou qu’aucun dommage ne pourra être causé au matériel informatique du Panéliste.

7.Sigurnost podataka

Panellists agree to keep the full content of studies that are submitted to them confidential. Panelvp agrees not to disclose any information to any third party regarding your registration information, nor any of your responses to surveys, except in aggregate form. Your personal data will not be used for commercial purposes. Registration is free of any commitment. A member may terminate its membership at any time by updating their contact information on uk.panelvp.com.